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Northwest Passage is dedicated to restoring hope through innovative mental health services for children and families


We consistently strive to implement the highest quality mental health services in a community dedicated to hope and recovery


Northwest Passage is guided in the pursuit of its mission and vision by this set of core values:
Integrity, Compassion, Quality and Respect

From humble beginnings to a forerunner in residential care…

From its genesis in 1978, Northwest Passage programming has focused on blending traditional mental health treatment with arts and nature based therapy. Though the problems facing children and teens have evolved since 1978, the fundamental needs for self-respect, trust, relationships, and steady guidance remain the same. And while Northwest Passage has grown in size and sophistication, we’ve never lost sight of the foundations all children need to be successful. Above anything else, Northwest Passage’s goal is to restore hope in our clients. By investing in the lives of marginalized youth, we are influencing and changing how mental health is ultimately treated and viewed. The transformations we see are no less than extraordinary.

From professional to practical….

Hope. Northwest Passage offers hope to those who have been unable to find it elsewhere. When our clients are able to look inward and find a spark of hope, they often find the greatest pieces of inner strength. Our programs are designed to help children and teens who have felt their lives spin out of control. We want to see our clients emerge from therapy with a regained sense of balance and self-worth. Our staff works with clients to help them use individual achievement as a springboard to future happiness and success.

From helplessness to a renewed sense of hope…

With individual responsibility and caring relationships, we can all find hope. We want to see our clients emerge from therapy with a regained sense of balance and self-worth. Our staff works with clients to help them use individual achievement as a springboard to future happiness and success.

From confusion to clarity….

We recognize that mental health issues are complex and sometimes confusing. At Northwest Passage, we help clients and their families understand what is going on under the surface. A vital part of a child’s treatment plan is figuring out the specific mental and behavioral issues that need to be addressed. Once our assessment team is able to provide clarity to clients and their families, they can then develop an effective and individualized treatment plan.


Focused multidisciplinary health assessment centered around professional collaboration that generates a dynamic treatment plan. We created this one-of-a-kind assessment program to offer children and families a chance to stop the guesswork and find stability.


Ideal for boys experiencing significant emotional and behavioral disorders. Blends sophisticated treatment with teaching of essential life skills such as personal responsibility and relationship building to provide an intensive, effective, and lasting treatment experience.


Designed for the unique needs of adolescent females situated in small-town Wisconsin. Programming focuses on increased self-esteem, development of healthy coping skills, promotional of positive relationship-building and social skills, and promotion of a connection to community.

At Northwest Passage, we strive to continually lead with values and beliefs that enable Northwest Passage employees to develop their potential, bring their full selves to the workplace, and engage in a world of inclusion.

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