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Mandy Jeske, MSW

Mental Health Therapist

Favorite PassageWay Elements

Recreation| Nature | Relationships

“I like to participate in the activities I love with the people I am closest to. My friends and family like to do lots of outdoor activities together including; hiking, camping, fishing, x-country skiing, and many different sports. Spending lots of time outside allows us to remain emotionally balanced. We are our best versions of ourselves when we are participating in outdoor activities. The PassageWay to me means incorporating a variety of elements into your life in order to lead a more balanced and healthy life.”



Throughout her time within the Northwest system, Mandy has gained valuable knowledge and insight about boys and girls with mental health issues, county social work and systems, community services and supports, and the role of residential treatment within the mental health system.  This invaluable knowledge of so many of our programs is a great asset for Northwest Passage in her position as Admissions Director.


  • Specialty: Admissions
  • Education: BS, Liberal Arts
  • With Northwest Passage since 2002

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