Day 2 at Corcavado National Park.
Today we went off hiking at 3:45am! We hiked through the jungle, down to the ocean and watched the sun come up. The temperature is sweltering here, but when I was watching the sun come up and shine down on the ocean I was overwhelmed with the scene of peace and tranquility. Here it is care free and “enjoy everything as it comes,” not wishing that anything will change. This ecosystem is self-sustaining and so diverse – it is incredible. There is layer and layer of life all intertwined by the tiniest details; but if one of those tiny details is altered it could have a catastrophic ripple effect in the environment. This entire ecosystem is in perfect balance, which is something that I feel is almost non-existent these days. And surprisingly, human beings are part of that balance. It is all hanging together by individual threads, but together these threads are extremely strong. I personally am just stunned by the quality of life here and the joy and kindness that this amazing ecosystem bestows on all.
As of Friday evening, our intrepid explorers have photographed almost 100 species of animals:
- Great Tinamou
- Great Curassow
- Crested Guan
- Spotted Sandpiper
- Common Black Hawk
- Yellow Headed Caracara
- White Collared Swift
- Charming hummingbird
- White tipped dove
- Black throated trogan
- Slatey tailed trogan
- Blue crowned motmot
- White whiskered puffbird
- Rufous tailed jacamar
- Pale billed woodpecker
- Black striped woodcreeper
- Chestnut backed antbird
- Rufous piha
- Tawney crowned greenlet
- Chestnut sided warbler
- Cherries tanager
- Alfaros’s pygmy squirrel
- Leaf praying mantis
- White nosed coati
- Collared peccarys
- Three toes sloth
- Golden orb spider
- Common rain frog
- Spider monkey
- Squirrel monkey
- Spectacled cayman
- Stingless bees
- Agouti
- Boa coinstrictor
- Fer de lance
- Jumping anole
- Jesus christ lizard
- June bug
- Striped whip tail lizard
- Red snapper
- Puffer fish
- Army ants
- Eciton hamatum
- Poisonous caterpillars
- leaf cutter ants
- Tapir
- Crocodile
- Eyelash pit viper
- Tailles scorpion
- Howler monkey
- Ruddy tern
- Magnificent frigate bird
- Red eyed tree frog
- Laughing gull
- White ibis
- Least sandpiper
- Spotted sandpiper
- Osprey
- Red tailed squirrel
- Tamandua anteater
- Two toed sloth
- Whip tailed scorpion
- Yellow winged damnselfly
- Spiney tailed iguana
- Black iguana
- Bare throated
- Smokey jungle frog
- Double toothed kite
- Blue butterfly
- Sucke footed ba
- White tailed deer
- Hermit crabs
- Puffer fish
- Crested caraca
- Red winged grasshopper
- Paraque
- Brown hooded parrot
- Black mandible toucan
- Black hooded ant shrike
- Dot winged ant wren
- Tiger snake
- Cat eye snake
- Eye ringed flatbilled fly catcher
- Bright rumped antilla
- Red capped manequin (Michael Jackson bird)
- Riverside wren
- Green kingfisher
- Ringed kingfisher
- Scarlet rumped cacique
- Baird sandpiper
- Red brocked deer
- Cane toad
- Green anoli
- Tent making bat
- House gecko
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