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Over the past few months, one Northwest Passage team in particular, exemplified what it means to be a hero at Passage. The Riverside evening primaries team, headed by Mike Brown, dealt with an especially difficult set of circumstances with positivity, great patience, and stellar creativity. Their program director, Angela Fredrickson, asked how we could honor, not only this team but employees across all of our sites, when their performance has far exceeded the traditional expectations of their roles. So here we are, creating our very first, “Everyday Hero” post to acknowledge their excellence.

As we wind-down a wonderful year at Passage, we’d like to take a moment to thank not only these Everyday Heroes, but all of our staff, our supporters, and YOU for reading. Keep an eye out for more posts like this and get to know the people that make Northwest Passage such a special place.


What does mental health mean to you?
“The ability to handle stressful events in the midst of a flurry of emotions.”

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If you could send one message to someone struggling with their mental health out in the world, what would it be?
“Live in the moment and take one step at a time.”

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What does mental health mean to you?
“To me mental health is like trying solve a Rubik’s cube while wearing a blindfold and mittens. At times it seems impossible and is daunting, but with time, patience, and perseverance anything is possible.”

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If you could send one message to someone struggling with their mental health out in the world, what would it be?
“Your feelings are valid, and those who support you are sincere whether you embrace them or are not yet ready too.”

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“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”
― Brodi Ashton, Everneath

“Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me. ”
― Fred Rogers

If you could send one message to someone struggling with their mental health out in the world, what would it be?
“There is no way to fix an individual nor are any of us broken, what we can do is develop tools to make ourselves make better decisions and be more positive.”

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