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April 23rd marked the first Passage Foundation Board meeting of the year. The Board, comprised of various community members and Northwest Passage Staff, reviewed Scholarship applications from 4 past clients, awarding a grand total of $6200.

The funds will be used for everything from school tuition to rent expenses.

I wanted to update you on the fun and exciting things going on with the Passage Foundation!  We met yesterday and awarded money to 2 Northwest Passage Clients and 2 Northwest Journey Clients.

Jalyn W. received up to $2500/semester for her first year at UW-Superior.  She will be studying Psychology/Social Work.  Jalyn has overcome a lot lately (death of her mother and horse) and is still using her skills and working hard to be successful!

Alexa G. received an award of $2700.00 to help her buy clothing and establish her first apartment.  She has two jobs in the food service industry and this will really help her continue her positive efforts.  She doesn’t have a lot of supports, so Emily and Amanda have helped her a lot in this process!

Northwest Journey Approved $500 awards for Noah P. and Eric A, who are both are attending college.

Eric will by studying  gunsmithing, and Noah is pursuing a degree in Bible Studies.

Huge Congratulations to all of these great kids!!!  Remember, without your efforts and guidance, would likely not be where they are today!

Update regarding the Passage Foundation:

We meet in the Spring and Fall of each year.  Clients need to be out of the program for at least 6 months and be making efforts to be successful, law abiding and healthy individuals in their communities.  They can be 14, 24 or 34 years old and still apply and be eligible for an award.

Each time one of your kids calls back to update you on their efforts since discharge or to tell you a fun story, or look for advice, Please remind them about the Foundation!  Applications are in the public folders and on the website.  We are also looking into better ways to keep everyone informed and thinking about The Passage Foundation.

The Board currently consists of the following people, so feel free to ask them questions as well:

Rob Lillehaug

Himanshu Agrawal

Seth Pearson

Denny Tucker

Melissa Williams

Terry Larsen

Emily Gall

And Mandy O’Malley (me)

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