Contact us Monday through Friday 8:00am CST to 4:00pm CST at 715-327-4402

Eric Chenal

Youth Development Specialist
“Hope is the ability to look positively at an outcome. This has encouraged and motivated me to try my hardest.”
Favorite PassageWay Elements:
“These PassageWay elements take an important role in my life inside and outside Northwest Passage. Actively practicing Passageway Exercise has helped me maintain positive mental health. I enjoy spending time keeping my body active at a local weight room, hiking state park trails, and swimming at various lakes in the area. Passageway Service has been a helpful tool for me to create and build relationships with others. Building these relationships has increased my knowledge of what the world has to offer as opportunities continually arise. Passageway Recreation is important to me because it defines what I enjoy and hold a passion for. Various recreational activities I participate in include metal detecting, finding new music to listen to, and rock collecting.”
Specialty: I have spent time traveling around the United States and communicating with others holding career roles in management. Traveling has helped me learn about different cultures and beliefs, allowing me to keep an open mind.
With Northwest Passage since 2017

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