The winter of 2014 has gone into the record books, and our collective memory, as one of the coldest, snowiest and most indomitable in our history. The young men at Northwest Passage 1 braved their way through many cold days to be rewarded with a vibrant and rich spring and summer full of stunning subjects and captivating light. Moreover, they found inspirational moments and opportunities for reflection. We hope you enjoy this insight into their experiences.
Little Manitou Falls at Pattison State Park during spring runoff. Photograph By: RJ
My Turtle Shell By D’Angelo
My walls are up, no one can hurt me
My shell is protection from those who desert me
If I am bothered I tend to snap at others
Otherwise, I am cool as night in summer
I mind my own business walking and swimming slowly
My shell at the ready if any danger is showing.
Hi, my name is D’Angelo and I am 17 years old. I am from Jim Falls, Wisconsin. Photography was an extremely helpful coping skill for me. It was a way to express my emotions in a positive way.
By: Dylan
Hi, my name is RJ. I am from Rochester Minnesota. I am 12 years old. When I came to Northwest Passage I was very timid and scared like this deer. Photography has helped me with my confidence to overcome my fears and succeed in life.
By: Brandon
Something Delicious, By: Jamie
My name is Jamie and I am 16 years old. I am from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Photography helped me a lot with my anxiety and anger by being in a calm, quiet place in the woods. It also helped me with my depression by appreciating the little things in life.
By: Dylan
Alone, By: Dakota K.
Hi, my name is Dakota K. and I am 16 years old. I am from Grantsburg, Wisconsin. Photography has been a time for me to capture the beautiful scenery around me and share it with others.I took this duck picture because it was alone by itself, The duck is kind of like me because I like to be alone.
By: D’Angelo
Fire in the Sky, By: Brandon
Hi, my name is Brandon. I am 14 years old and am from Wausau, Wisconsin. To me, Photography has been a chance to be out in the woods, away from my troubles. My favorite thing to take pictures of are animals and birds. When I saw this bird, it reminded me of a fire in the night sky.
By: Austin
Hi, my name is Austin G and I am 16 years old. I am from New Auburn Wisconsin. Photography has helped me learn how to focus and got me outside to see and learn about new things.
When I took this picture it was as if the deer was posing for the camera. This will always remind me of the experience I had as a nature photographer.
By: Austin G.
By: Dakota K.
By: D’Angelo
By: Brandon
By: D’Angelo
Hi, my name is Dylan and I am from Lacrosse, Wisconsin. I am 17 years old. Nature photography has opened my eyes to things I have never seen or experienced such as bears.
“No matter where you go in life, there will always be something for you.”
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