Tune into WPR for Lexie’s take on residential treatment
When Lexie came to Northwest Passage, she was a diamond in the rough. Under all her pain and trauma was a beautiful individual waiting to become her best self. She exemplifies why we do what we do. We’re not surprised by her successes and we’re certainly not surprised by how eloquently she spoke about her experiences while here at Passage in a recent Wisconsin Public Radio interview. Take a moment to listen to what she has to say about her experience at PASSAGE ON WPR.
“Nature has help me find myself, by teaching me about myself.”

“Anyone can give up, it’s the easiest thing to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.” ~ I relate to this quote because when life got hard, many people left because I was a ‘lost cause’, I came back a stronger, better, sober person. It would have been easy to give up, quit and go back to old habits, and sometimes I still feel like giving up, but I like who I am. I wouldn’t want to be anybody different.

What seems like so long ago I saw someone I hated, a monster staring back at me, not my reflection. But now upon a second look I see someone new, someone beautiful. All it took was another glance, and a little bit of effort to peel back the mask that was plastered on so tight. I look into the mirror now and see me.

One day I will be old and my skin gray, my hair white as freshly fallen snow, my voice will croak as if I were a frog. One day my days will be numbered, my skin will be wrinkled and creased, my hair may no longer be, and my voice will just be a haunting song. One day I will cease to exist. A few trinkets and odds and ends no home to permanently reside, snippets of memory will play from time to time, but nothing of real value. And given a few more years I will be nothing. Not a distant memory, no words to dance though your mind, nothing will be left except a ghost of me.
At Northwest Passage we know the power of residential treatment first hand – we see it every day! Our treatment provides a safe space for kids to heal, the time and support to develop new tools and skills for coping with the stresses of dealing with mental health issues, and provides access to a truly therapeutic lifestyle and environment designed to support long-term wellness into the future. In fact, clients in residential treatment improve significantly and “maintain their treatment gains at follow-up” providing hope for a long-term impact on their overall wellness.
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